If you are having difficulty sending an e-card from CrossCards.com, please check the following:

  • You have completed the “From Name”, “From Email”, “To Name” and “To Email” fields and have entered a message of no more than 1,000 characters in length.
  • When you entered the email addresses, you either typed them in manually or selected them from your CrossCards.com address book.  If you copied and pasted them from another application, that could be causing a problem with sending your e-card, as hidden characters may have been added to the email addresses.
  • Make sure there is no punctuation in the “To Name” field for any of the recipients.

If you still cannot send an e-card after verifying the items above or get an error message when sending an e-card, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information:

  • A link to the e-card you were attempting to send.
  • The name and version number of the web browser you are using.
  • The name of the operating system running on your computer.
  • If possible, a screenshot showing the issue or error message you encountered.